Archery In MS Schools


Archery in Mississippi Schools
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Archery in Mississippi Schools (AIMS) is designed to introduce 4th-12th grade students to the sport of International-Style Target Archery during their Physical Education Class ( a 10 hour in-school per year requirement) and as an extracurricular team sport. The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks (MDWFP) is the driving force behind AIMS. The program, which began in 2006 with 10 schools, is now over 500 schools and in over 50 counties. The growth of AIMS has followed the national trend of Archery being the fastest growing sport nationwide and statewide. The first statewide Archery Invitational was held in Mississippi in 2011 with 400 student archers competing; and that number has expanded to over 6,000 student archers competing annually in the AIMS State Championship Series.




Craig Beeding , MSNASP®️State Coordinator 
Archery in Mississippi Schools


Steve Smith/AIMS Assistant Coordinator
Xtreme & Outdoor



Jason Johnson/AIMS Rules Arbitrator/Event Floor Coordinator
BAI Instructor



John McDonald/AIMS Tournament Registration/Team Scheduling
BAI Instructor



Trey Humphreys/AIMS North
BAI Instructor



John Baker/AIMS Central
BAI Instructor




 Changing lives

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