Season Dates and Bag Limits for Wild Turkey:
See more information regarding season dates and bag limits for hunting in Mississippi.
Mississippi's public lands are subject to special seasons and regulations that may vary from statewide seasons and regulations. It is always suggested to check the rules and regulations for the specific location you are interested in hunting before visiting. See more information on MDWFP's Wildlife Management Areas.
All turkeys harvested during the spring turkey season must be reported to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Game Check system by 10pm on the day on which the harvest occurs. As part of the Game Check process, all turkey hunters are required to carry a current harvest reporting record while spring turkey hunting. The reporting record may be either (a) the MDWFP reporting application on a smartphone with the hunter's profile and subsequent harvest history; (b) a paper copy of the MDWFP harvest reporting record; or (c) provided by the hunter.
Before moving a turkey from the harvest location, hunters must, at minimum, document their name and date on the harvest reporting record. There are three ways to complete the Game Check process and receive a confirmation number. Hunters can either (a) log the harvest into the MDWFP reporting application on a smartphone; (b) enter the harvest via the Game Check website, or (c) call the Game Check reporting phone line at 1-800-BE-SMART.
Non-Resident Public Land Draw:
Non-Residents hunting open public land during the opening weeks of Mississippi's regular season, are subject to an additional draw process. Open public lands include National Forests, non-draw hunt Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs), National Wildlife Refuges, Corps of Engineers lands, Department of Defense lands, etc., that have statewide season frameworks without other special regulations.
See more information about the Non-Resident Public Land Draw.