
471 Toe Rd, Spillway Campground
 Included with park admission!

Get ready for a fun-filled Halloween evening at Hugh White State Park! From the Golf Cart Parade to Trick-or-Treating, it's an event you won't want to miss! 

 Event Highlights:
 Golf Cart Parade at 6:30 PM
 Trick-or-Treating starts at 6:45 PM
 Only foot and golf cart traffic allowed after 6:30 PM (normal traffic resumes at 8:30 PM)
 Best Decorated Campsite and Golf Cart Contest with prizes awarded that evening!

Come out for a spooky night of family fun, treats, and creativity! 

 Contact Louis Correro for more info:

Parks & Destinations
Hugh White State Park Spooky Tricks and Treats Halloween Festival

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